Saturday, February 7, 2009

onceagain .

Yeahs, as you can see, my blog is dead. It's not my fault(: I want to blog but............. oh, nevermind. Long story. I've got nothing much to say. &&I feel like doing a survey now so here you go! Got it from Ollie's blog. 

1. last cigarette?
lungcancer lungcancer lungcancer(:

2. last beverage?
Iced lemon tea.

3. last phone call?
My cheche.

4. last text message?

5. last online chat to?
Alia too. It was sad. D:

6. last song played?
Sum 41 - Pieces. Listening to it now(:

7. last time you cried?
Umm... Last week I guess.

8. last meal?
Asam laksa @ Madam Kwan's.

SEVEN have you’s:
1. have you ever dated someone twice?
I don't know...... :P

2. have you ever fell in love with someone you shouldn’t have?
Maybe, maybe not. 

3. have you ever kissed someone & regreted it?
I've never kissed anyone. Excluding ze famalia.

4. have you ever said something you regretted?
A whole lot of times, baby.

5. have you ever lost someone?:
Lost in what way? :F

6.have you ever slept until 2pm?:
I'm working on it. :D

7. have you ever been drunk and thrown up?
Me no drink.

SIX things you did in the past three days -
1. I laughed until I cried. (:
2. I watched Sydney White and teared.
3. I got really pissed/jealous over something.
4. Went to the airport.
5. Got pissed at someone this time. :P
6. This is a surprise. :)

list SIX people you can tell pretty much anything to –
TWO. I won't mention names.

list THREE favorite colors —
1: Red
2: Yellow
3: BluePurpleGreen:)

list FOUR things you want to do before you die -
ONE, go to Italy&London&Paris&Rome&Korea&NewYork&Hawaii&LosAngeles&manymanyotherplaces. TWO, learn scuba diving. THREE, extreme stunts-ing with my homies. It would be cool. FOUR, marry, have kids and live in a really really cool house. HAHA. inmydreams.

This month have you…

Laughed until you cried:

Oh, yes.

Went behind your parents back?

Went to a party?
I'm supposed to be going for Ollie's open house RIGHT NOW but NO & also to saikit's farewell but NO too. Wthell!

Watched a good movie with your friends?

Made someone angry?
Hopefully not.

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