Sunday, November 29, 2009

4 :)

Mashed potatoes with little chunks of potatoes inside.
Just the way I like it! :)

Friday, November 27, 2009

6 :)

I wonder how it's like to walk on 4 legs. Would I trip?
I wonder how it's like to be lonely.
I wonder how good the kebab at Australia really is.
I wonder how it feels when I learn to drive.
I wonder what Katy Perry's doing right now.
I wonder why the word 'wonder' seems weird after saying it so many times.
I wonder if there are pots of gold at the end of rainbows.
I wonder what was the first food invented/found.
I wonder how sucky it is to be sitting for SPM when everyone else is watching New Moon and you gotta stay home studying.
I wonder who created the word 'wonder'.
I wonder what you're wondering.
I wonder how it feels like when you get struck by lightning.
I wonder if vampires still exist.
I wonder if I'll ever be famous.
I wonder how people juggle. It's hard.
I wonder how some people can bring themselves to do such stupid things.
I wonder how cold it is during winter.
I wonder why boys don't paint their toenails.
I wonder if I have lollipops downstairs.
I wonder why Kanye's such an ass.
I wonder why I'm so short.
I wonder why there's no Gossip Girl this week.
I wonder how awesome sky diving is.
I wonder why my Skype isn't working.
I wonder what it feels like to be a shark.
I wonder when I can run again.
I wonder why hyenas laugh.
I wonder what the Rafflesia smells like.
I wonder if I'll ever travel the world.
I wonder if McPork exists. 
I wonder if I'll ever get the chance to meet Gabe Saporta.
I wonder why the bobblehead dog on my table is named Winston. Why not Bob?
I wonder why.
I wonder.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Team Jacob, DUH!



With my lovelays ShuLynn, Dan, Sheena and Alia! Grace couldn't make it all because of Samuel -pest- and Ollie's at Italy!

Taylor Lautner is so beautiful! Taylor Swift is one lucky girl. Even my mum knows about it.

HE IS SO BUFF & MUSCULAR & HOT & BIG & he would be so nice to hug... The wonders of working out. :) Everytime he appeared on screen, topless or not, I start squealing. And magod, when he was WET under the rain!!!  It just made him look even more buff/beautiful/hot/whatever it is that you describe. My point is... guys look hotter when they're wet. Under the rain. Or does this "theory" only apply for Taylor Lautner?

I wouldn't wanna spoil anything for those of you who haven't watched it yet but omg omg omg omg I have to say it again! TAYLOR IS SO YUMMY. Like maple syrup on pancakes. Mmm.. I have to watch it again! More Taylor please? :(

Edward was such a turn off when he took off his shirt. Too hairy. A big NONO.

We went to Popular before the movie and Alia took me to the school books section.

Jaryn, jaryn! Follow me to the back, I wanna show you something!
What is it?
Just come!
What laaa...
Just comeee
Pick any book.
Now flip through it.
Don't you feel smarter already?

Shu, Dan & I were "stalking" these 2 dungus from 1 side of the mall to the other and they had no idea. Or so they say...


I had pancakes for lunch cos they had sushi before I came.

Billy the Blue Dinosaur! :D

6 DAYS! :D